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Artificial Flower Bouquet


30 Days Warranty

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Illuminate any space with everlasting beauty using our Artificial Flower Bouquet! Meticulously crafted to replicate the charm of real blooms, these lifelike flowers bring joy without the need for constant upkeep. Whether it's the timeless elegance of roses, the cheerful vibes of sunflowers, or the delicate allure of lilies, our bouquet offers a stunning array of options to elevate any setting or occasion.


  • Premium Materials: Crafted from milk cotton, paper, and PVC for a lifelike appearance and lasting durability.
  • Hand-Woven Design: Each bouquet is intricately handwoven, adorned with lush green leaves and LED light strings to create a captivating atmosphere.
  • Timeless Elegance: Exquisite craftsmanship ensures long-lasting beauty with no need for watering, making it perfect for dry storage and enduring without withering.
  • Versatile Application: Ideal as a holiday gift or room decoration for family and friends, adding a touch of nature-inspired charm to any space.
  • Attention to Detail: Available in a variety of colors to suit different preferences, with attention paid to every detail to ensure authenticity.


  • Material: Milk cotton, Paper, PVC
  • Color: Pink/Orange/Purple/Blue
  • Size: As picture show (please allow an error of 0.5-1 inches due to manual measurement)

Package Includes:

  • 1 x Woven Bouquet
  • 1 x Packing Bag


  • Due to variations in computer display colors, the actual color may differ slightly from the image above. We appreciate your understanding.

ORDER NOW LIMITED STOCK ONLY Brighten any space with the everlasting charm of our Artificial Flower Bouquet. Elevate your decor effortlessly with timeless beauty. Order now and add a touch of nature-inspired elegance to your surroundings!

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Artificial Flower Bouquet
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